Monday, December 30, 2019

The Changing Role of Law Enforcement

The Changing Role of Law EnforcementThe Changing Role of Law EnforcementRead nearly any assekuranzbrief publication especially those written by and for theversicherungsschein and you will no doubt find pages filled with exhortations to embrace the mentality of the warrior. The idea is to encourage officers to be ready to face any challenge in the fight against crime. Visit almost any police academy, and you will hear much of the same. Warriors on the Thin Blue Line We train our police officers to be warriors, to be ready to face any fight and engage nearly any threat. Our officers stand on the thin blue line, ready to protect their community. In truth, that thin blue line is often a battle line we have drawn between law-abiding citizens and the criminals who would harm them. Make no mistake law enforcement is a dangerous job. There is little question that police officers need to be ready to access their inner warrior in an instant. There are some, however, who suggest that the current model of training, and indeed culture among police departements, is setting law enforcement up for a collision course with the citizens their officers are sworn to protect. Articles, and even books such as Radley Balkos Rise of the Warrior Cop, have raised concerns for what the perceived militarization of police means for law enforcement and citizens. Public Scrutiny of Police Practices Throughout the modern history of policing, the relationship between law enforcement and the public they serve has often been tenuous. When the concept of a uniformed police force welches first championed by Sir Robert Peel in London in the early 1800s, he was met with much resistance due to fears of what would essentially be a standing army within the city comparisons were made to police as a government-sanctioned occupying force. The problem of how to enforce laws while preserving rights is bedrngnis at all new. Public scrutiny of police officers and police departments is ever-increasing , and technology is only making that scrutiny easier. Officers have long been held to a high ethical standard, and so much more so now. Even the Rodney King tragedy in the early 1990s was a seemingly singular event due to the limited media outlets and relative cumbersome recording methods available at the time. Flash forward to the Age of the Internet and instant access to everythingand anyone with a smartphone can easily and instantly expose any officer misconduct or the perception thereof to thousands, if not millions of people. And there are plenty of people who think nothing of purposefully goading officers and pushing the envelope as far as they can while remaining within their rights, all for the purpose of exposing the ignorance of police with regards to the very laws they are supposed to enforce and the rights they are sworn to uphold. More unsettling is that research by George Washington University Professor of Sociology Ronald Weitzer, among others, indicates that the pu blics trust in law enforcement is significantly and negatively impacted when high-profile incidents of police misconduct are publicized. With more and more opportunities to document police acting poorly, the need is more apparent than ever to ensure officers do the right thing for the right reasons at all times, lest the public trust in the police is diminished to the point where officers can no longer perform their jobs. Eroding Trust, Eroding Effectiveness Unfortunately, all too often officers do not help themselves in such instances. Rather than showing measured, thoughtful and intelligent responses, officers (at least the ones who are made famous on YouTube) view any challenge to their authority as a threat that must be subdued or eliminated. This bravado is getting both citizens, and officers hurt and only serves to diminish the public trust in law enforcement further. Peelian Principles Mistrust of the police is nothing new. In the beginnings of the modern police force , Peel and others offered guidelines for police, noting the importance of their relationship to the community. These guiding principles, popularly known as the Peelian Principles, are concepts that the public demands still today. According to Peel The police force exists to maintain order and prevent crime.The approval and trust of the public are vital for police to carry out their mission.A police forces ultimate goal is to achieve voluntary compliance with the law from the public they serve.Police officers and departments must both adhere to the law and be unwavering in its enforcement they should refrain from being swayed by public opinion but instead be concerned with promoting and doing what is always right.Uses of force and control are the last resort, not the first reaction. Other means of persuasion should be exhausted before force is used. Officers are civilians too, and members of their communities they come from, are a part of, and are answerable to the communities they serve.The effectiveness of any police agency should not be measured by the number of arrests made or by the actions of other law enforcement, but by the absence of crime and delinquent behaviors in the community. The Jaded Warrior Police departments around the world still espouse these principles in their slogans and their mission statements. It does not take long, however, for new officers to begin to see themselves as set apart from, rather than a part of, their communities. Officers and even police recruits can very quickly and easily become jaded through their regular contact with criminals and neer-do-wells. When this occurs, that warrior mindset that serves so well to protect the officer on the job can very quickly drive a wedge between the police and their citizens. Guardians of Democracy Back to Basics Thats where the concept of Guardian Policing comes in. In a sense, its a return to those original Peelian Principles. The idea is to teach officers to view themselves not as soldiers in a war on crime but as guardians appointed to protect and uphold rights. To some, it may be a difference without distinction. In practice, though, it means smarter police officers who demonstrate a strength of mind, will, and character first, and brawn or force second and only then when absolutely necessary. Championed by the Blue Courage the Heart and Mind of the Guardian organization and law enforcement leaders like former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr, Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, the guardian concept teaches recruits to employ critical thinking, empathy, and common sense in their interactions with everyday citizens and suspected criminals alike. The training concept has been implemented in the states of Washington and Arizona so far, and while the results have yet to be seen, the hopes are high. High Hopes for the Future of Policing Those hopes are that if officers view themselves as guardians and protect ors of the people - all people - and their rights, they will treat each and every person they encounter with respect and dignity. In turn, when people - even criminals - feel they are treated respectfully and fairly, given a chance to express themselves and interact peacefully with the officers, then officer complaints, uses of force, and injuries to both officers and subjects will decrease.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Job Search Tips from Job Central

Job Search Tips from Job CentralJob Search Tips from Job CentralTips to approach your job search with a mobile-first lens.As many of you know, I normally provide job-search advice through my weekly column on The Career Chronicles, and on Twitter and Facebook. So its always a great privilege when I get the chance meet professionals and answer their questions in person.Thank you to everyone who braved the crowds and made it into Job Central. For those who were unable to get in or may have missed one of the presentations, please visit to gain access to the presentation materials.Ive also included a few key takeaways from my presentations hyperlinked with relevant articles to help you find that right job, soonerAs a job seeker, you are in the business of absatzwirtschaft a product yourself. Clarify your job goals, and then build a personal branding campaign around them. Craft a resume that not only impresses the hiring manager, but is sure to make it past the electronic gatekeeper.Clean up your online presence and utilize social media to build an online brand that supports your job goals by highlighting your relevant work experience, skill sets, accomplishments and professional memberships.Dont rely on any one way to find job leads. Recruiters are only one of many sources you can use to learn about jobs. Try utilizing social media channels, online job boards and your network to discover both published and hidden opportunities in the market.Take advantage of every opportunity you have to network. Whether youre waiting in line to order a Starbucks or youre in a plane stuck on the tarmac, strike up a conversation with the person next to you. That stranger could be a valuable resource for your search.Interviewing is a three-step process. How you prepare and what you do afterwards is just as important as what happens when youre sitting in the interview room pitching your skills.With all the advances in technology, the recruiting process h as become more mobile. Always approach your search with a mobile-first lens to find the most leads and stay ahead of the competition. I wish each and every one of you the best of luck with your search and look forward to providing you with more job-search tips each week

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Manage Stress at Work by Retraining your Brain

Manage Stress at Work by Retraining yur BrainManage Stress at Work by Retraining yur BrainManage Stress at Work by Retraining your Brain Schoen, Ph.D., author of Your Survival Instinct is Killing You Retrain your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience (Hudson Street Press, 2013.)The ability to perform well under pressure including how we manage stress at work is one of the best skills we can develop. Those individuals who excel under these conditions often report having a critical business advantage.As important as managing workplace stress can be, few executives or leaders receive training in this essential ability. Instead, most learn about performing under pressure from their own childhood experiences. These may include oral reports, sports, exams or standardized tests that are often given under time constraints.Yet for a large segment of the population, these early experiences have not sufficiently prepared them to thrive under pressure. Instead, they often prepare us to un ravel under pressure.A small percentage of individuals actually come into the world pre-wired to perform under pressure. In fact, for some of these individuals, they actually do their best work under these intense conditions.Unfortunately, the majority of us are ill-prepared to manage stress, leaving us to suffer a number of disappointments or frustrations related to high-pressure conditions. The good news is that it is possible to groom ourselves to flourish in these circumstances including pervasive work-related stress.The Brain Must Be RetrainedTo successfully manage stress at work and stress overall requires training two very different regions of our brain to be team players, as opposed to being at odds with each other. The higher-order processing region of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. This is the region that is responsible for problem solving, such as inductive, deductive, abstract, and logical thinking.Meanwhile, an older region of the brain, called the limbic sys tem, is responsible for assessing danger in the world, in other words, keeping us safe.When the limbic brain senses danger, it activates our survival instinct or the fear response in the brain and body, shutting off power to the higher-order processing region of the brain. Without sufficient fuel in this part of the brain there is little juice left to run the problem-solving machinery.The limbic systems fear response often misinterprets pressure as a threat. The limbic brain is particularly sensitive to this if past experiences of being under pressure have resulted in poor outcomes, such as failure, embarrassment, judgment, or rejection.The Stress Management SolutionHow can we learn to successfully manage stress? The solution lies in retraining the limbic system to experience pressure and discomfort in either a positive or a neutral manner, as opposed to a threat. Stated differently, we are interested in training ourselves to be resilient in uncomfortable conditions.In a course I te ach at UCLA we do this by conditioning students to welcome pressure-related discomfort, rather than to fear and avoid it.Here are some strategies from this course that can make a significant difference in successfully performing under pressure and in stressful conditions.Accept that pressure-related discomfort is normal. The goal is not to banish stress-related anxiety. If we seek to exterminate it, we only increase our fear of pressure. Instead, practice being more accepting of pressure-related discomfort.Welcome and embrace pressure-related discomfort. Learn to love pressure. Use the power of relabeling, which teaches the brain to interpret pressure in a new way. You can even tell yourself that you cant wait to feel pressure and that you love how it makes you feel.Practice in pressured conditions. Too often we practice our skills in non-pressured situations. It is far better to devote some of your practice time while under pressure. Initially, the goal isnt to get it right, but i nstead to become acclimated and more comfortable with pressure-related discomfort.Practice under imperfect conditions. The world seldom lines up perfectly. It is far better to practice in imperfect conditions where there are distractions, annoyances, and interruptions. With practice, these imperfections are neutralized, and in many cases, become facilitative of performance.Use Your Sleep to Rewire Your Brain. It is possible to manage stress by using sleep as a tool to rewire your response to pressure and fear.Build up your discomfort muscle. Since the limbic systems fear response is related to perceiving discomfort as a threat, it is important to strengthen its reaction to discomfort.Learn to feel more at ease in other uncomfortable conditions, such as fatigue, hunger, or uncomfortable temperatures. Building your discomfort muscle in other contexts strengthens your tolerance of discomfort and your resilience under pressure conditions.Conquer Fear and Build ResilienceIts clear that t here is much we can do to improve our management of stress and stress conditions. If we operate under a dated notion that discomfort is something to avoid, then pressure will continue to feel daunting. But if we learn to welcome and retrain our brains reaction to pressure, discomfort, and imperfect conditions, then we can significantly alter our fear response to pressure.I encourage you to experiment with the above strategies. In my years of working with patients, I have found that they can make a profound difference in shrinking the oversensitivity of the survival instinct and the brains response to fear.Copyright 2014 Marc Schoen, Ph.D. Author BioMarc Schoen, Ph.D., is author of Your Survival Instinct is Killing You Retrain your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience (Hudson Street Press, 2013.) He has specialized in Mind-Body Medicine for more than twenty five years. In addition to maintaining a busy private practice working with individuals, Schoen is an Assistant Clinical P rofessor at UCLAs Geffen School of Medicine where he teaches and conducts research on Mind-Body Medicine and Hypnosis. His work has been featured extensively on television, radio, and in magazines and newspapers, in such publications as the Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Oprah, WebMD, Fortune Magazine, Health, Natural Health, Prevention, Yoga Journal, and many others. Follow him on Twittermarcschoenphd.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Doctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in America

Doctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in AmericaDoctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in AmericaIf you want to make money, start reading those medical textbooks, because physicians have the highest-paid job in the U.S. for a third year in a row. Their median salary? $187,876, according to Glassdoors listof the best-paid jobs in America.In fact, the medical industry has a lock on rich salaries Out of the five top high-paying jobs, health-care-related careers- physician, pharmacy manager ($149,064), medical science liaison ($132,842), and pharmacist ($125,847)- take up four of the slots. That supports data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that shows healthcare jobs to be among the fastest-growing in the U.S.That includes home health aides, nurse practitioners and even phlebotomists - the people who draw your blood at the doctors office.Isnt tech supposed to be the biggest driver of growth in the U.S.? Apparently not.Although tech jobs like software engineerin g manager ($109,350) andscrum master ($95,167) accounted for 11 of the top 25 jobs, none were in the top five.The high pay for both industries, however, makes sense. Healthcare and tech jobs demand many years to learn difficult, specific skills and the ability to make sense of complex systems from computer networks to the human body.In the U.S., becoming a physician can take about four years of college, four years of medical school, and 3-8 years of residency, and additional fellowships.High pay continues to be tied to demand skills, higher education and working in jobs that are protected from competition or automation,Glassdoor chief economist Andrew Chamberlain said.Money matters, but its not the only factorSalary matters a lot for job seekers. Glassdoor said that almostseven in ten people believethat salary and compensation are two of the most important factors when deciding whether or not to take a job. But as we all know, money doesnt always lead to happiness. In Glassdoors2017 list of best jobs in America, best takes job openings and overall job-satisfaction into account, not just salary, and with theseadded factors, tech jobs and their candyland of perks dominated thelist. The top three jobs were data scientist, DevOps engineer and data engineer.Why doctors make money but arent always happyIn his memoir Doctored The Disillusionment of an American Physician,Dr. Sandeep Jauhar examined the collective malaise of what its like to practice medicine in the U.S. In his book, hecited a 2008 survey of 12,000 physicians where only 6% said they had a positive morale. Other surveys showed similar conclusions whereup to 40% of practicing physicians wouldnt become doctors if they could it all over again, and an even higher percentage wouldnt encourage their children to pursue it either.Whats causing this bad diagnosis is increasing bureaucracy where insurance companies dont give doctors time to fully examine patients, among other factors. Doctors also work in high-pr essure environments in which they can forfeit sleep for days at a time and are responsible for life-and-death decisions. A 2015study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)reported that almost 30% ofphysicians-in-training have symptoms or a diagnosis of depression.So for all prospective physicianslooking to care for patientsand make that impressive money manage your expectations and go in with eyes wide open.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Best Email Cover Letter Format

Best Email Cover Letter FormatBest Email Cover Letter FormatIts most common to send cover letters by schmelzglas or as an attachment with your resume instead of snail mail. Much of the format of the cover letter remains precisely the same, regardless of how the letter is being delivered. In all cases, you need to include a salutation and a polite close, observe all the standard formalities, and proofread carefully. With an email, youll also need to include a clear subject line as well. How to Format an Email Cover Letter The following email cover letter format shows how to put together a document containing the information necessary to get the hiring managers attention. Use the email cover letter format as a guideline to create personalized email cover letters to send to employers. Here are some formatting tips. Subject Line Be sure to list the job you are applying for in the subject line of your email message, so the employer is clear as to what job you are interested in. Fo r example, your subject line might be Marketing Coordinator - Bob Martins. This also helps to keep all your information handy for the hiring manager, and easily identified. Salutation Dear Mr./Ms. Lastname or Dear Hiring Manager (only if you dont have a contact person). Follow the persons name with a comma or colon. Then, skip a line. Body The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what stelle you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up. The body consists of the first paragraph, middle paragraph, and conclusion. Here are some ideas for what is included in each of these sections. First Paragraph The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and how you found the job posting. If you were referred by a contact, mention the person in this part of your cover letter. Middle Paragraphs The next section of your cover letter shoul d describe what you have to offer the employer. Dont just copy the information on your resume, instead, make a connection between your abilities and the qualifications listed in the job posting. Mention specifically how your skills and experience match the job you are applying for. Provide action examples where you can. Instead of saying, Im very organized explain, During my first six months at ABC Company, I instituted quick Monday morning check-in meetings and transformed the project management calendar. These two changes helped everyone to stay on top of deadlines - and cut our costs on last-minute temp help due to scheduling errors. Conclusion If you have attached your resume, mention it in this paragraph. You can also mention how you plan to follow up. Then conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Complimentary Close Include a polite sign-off and then skip a space and write your name. Best Regards, Your personenname Si gnature Include your name, full address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn Profile URL, if you have one, so it is easy for hiring managers, recruiters, and contacts to get in touch Firstname LastnameStreet AddressCity, State, ZipEmailCellLinkedIn URL Email Cover Letter Example Subject Marketing Manager Position - Mary CodyDear Ms. Lee,I am writing in regards to the position of marketing manager at XYZ Enterprises advertised on Susan Smith recommended that I write directly to you, as we worked together at ABC Inc. for several years, and she thought that this position would be a good fit for me.With ABC, I welches a direct report to Susan, and I was able to increase my departments sales by 15% over the three years we worked together. This exceeded the industry standard by 10% during a nearly stagnant period of time. Given XYZs position in the market, and my experience with increasing market share, I feel that I can help to bring even more success to your company.I have attached my resume and list of references for your consideration. I will follow up next week to provide any additional information you may be interested in. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my resume.Best Regards,Mary Cody123 Green StreetAnytown, USA Expand Completing Your Application When youre sending an email cover letter, its important to follow the employers instructions on how to submit your application and to make sure that your documents are written as well as any other business correspondence. Sending a professional looking application package is the first step to getting an interview.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The New Fuss About Modern Resume Template

The New Fuss About Modern Resume Template After you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether youll be suitable. When applying for employment in a big business you may find they use specialized software to help weed out candidates. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. Also make certain you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Research about the technical skills needed for the work position that youre applying for. You can also see resume objectives. A resume thats sometimes called a curriculum vitae is important whenever you are searching for employment. The anfangsbuchstabe one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a special job position. If you are looking for a very simple but stunning design thats guaranteed to appeal to any hiring manager than you are in right spot. Modern resume schablones are certain to come handy in enabling you to bag a dream job. Your resume can allow you to get your foot in the door, even if do not have any former massage therapy job experience. The style of resume you will use greatly is dependent on your professional work background and qualifications. Get exploring and perhaps you are spotting something you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. After you add your private stamp to it through imputing your distinctive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the appropriate factors. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. In order to acquire into the corporate world your resume must be quite presentable to your upcoming boss. Your application should stick out as a way to find attention. Creating a resume wi th the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you must fill. The template is created by experts so that you can be certain about the grade of the content. Employing a resume template is quite useful in making your professional profile. Modern Resume Template Help You might be interested in the following related articles too. The site also provides essential strategies and guides to make Resume more attractive and potent. By making use of a template, you receive a feeling of what information to include in your resume and the way to arrange it. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Getting the Best Modern Resume Template You can select the best amongst the many template samples out there. Theres no precise length for a resume, and theres no voreingestellt to it. The template can help you design an impressive resume for your intended job. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. As its name suggests, Free Resume Creator is still another totally free online resume or CV builder website. You will discover a wide assortment of resume templates on the web or in your computer program. Unlike the majority of the online resume builder sites that need the user to register, it doesnt need registration. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to have a resume in portable document format format only as long as you pay them. The training programs and conferences you have attended are also crucial to be put in a fresher resume. Submit the same resume for each and every job. So whenever your dream job calls you, you can be certain to make it using a good resume in hand. Finding your next job can feel to be an overwhelming procedure, and breaking it down into achievable objectives and steps will help you stay organized.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

An Inside Look at Our Event with Stash

An Inside Look at Our Event with Stash PowerToFly was thrilled to partner with Stash for our second event last week. Held at Stashs headquarters in the Flatiron District, the event focused on women in data science. Moderated by PowerToFly CoFounder Milena Berry, the panel from Stash includedClaire Goldwitz, Stashs VP of ProductMaryAlexa Divver, Senior Product Manager Christine Hurtubise, VP of Data Science Stash is hiring and they are dedicated to increasing the number of women on their team by over 40% through 2018. FOLLOW Stash for updates on more events and open roles. Stashs wonderful office From Your Site Articles Meet Christine Hurtubise, VP of Data Science at Stash Aki Merced

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Top 10 Low-Stress Jobs That Pay Well

Top 10 Low-Stress Jobs That Pay WellTop 10 Low-Stress Jobs That Pay WellYouve probably heard the expression, Do what you love, and youll never work a day in your life? For some people, this is a reality. Certainly, given the choice, fruchtwein of us would prefer to work at jobs that feed our soul, as well as our bank accounts. That said, even a beloved job can be rough if it eats all your time and energy to the point of burnout. For these reasons, its useful to consider the relative stress levels of various occupations, when yourecontemplating a changeto a newcareer path. Top High Paying Low Stress Jobs Here is a list of the top 10 low stress jobs with the most recent information from theBureau of Labor Statistics. 1. Actuary Do you love math and statistics and want to work a relatively low-stress, 9-to-5 job? You might be happy as anActuary. Your responsibilities involve looking at numbers, finding correlations, drawing conclusions, and presenting your findings. Actuaries often work for insurance companies, analyzing risk and helping their employers minimize costs. They also work for a variety of investment firms, including banks and financial advisors. The profession is expected to grow 22% by 2026, much faster than average. Median Pay $102,800Typical Education Bachelors Degree 2. Audiologist If you want to help people, and you dont mind investing in several years of postsecondary education, audiologist might be the perfect job for you. Audiologists diagnose hearing loss and other inner ear problems. Its a good-paying job, earning a median salary of over $60,000 per year. And this job is projected to grow 21% by 2026, according to theBureau of Labor Statistics, due in part to a significant increase in both the aging population as well as military veterans seeking treatment for hearing loss. Median Pay $75,900Typical Education Doctoral or Professional Degree 3. Computer and Information Systems Manager Sometimes called IT Manager, this occupation frequentl y offers six-figure salaries to the more experienced managers. People in this job are responsible for planning and coordinating computer systems for companies. As a disclaimer, 2 out of 5IT managersreported working more than 40 hours a week in 2014, according to information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, this profession is leise considered by most to be far less stressful than the average career. The demand for IT Managers is expected to grow 12% by 2026. Median Pay $142,500Typical Education Bachelors Degree 4. Dietician or Nutritionist These experts operate in all settings, from hospitals to clinics to government offices and more. Their role is to help people achieve a healthy lifestyle through diet, whether its to lose or gain weight or to manage a disease like diabetes. Nutrition is gaining in popularity as a result of findings by holistic, naturopathic medicine. Individuals and organizations alike are seeing the benefit in hiring experts to help them improve overa ll health through diet rather than by medication with side effects. This occupation is expected to grow 15% by 2026. Median Pay $60,300Typical Education Bachelors Degree 5. Hair Stylist After acquiring a certification and license in your state, you dont need a formal degree tobecome a hair stylist. However, you do need natural talent - as well as a knack for getting along with people and being able to understand what theyre hoping to achieve with their look. Hair Stylists dont earn as much as other jobs on this list, but they do frequently have a great deal of flexibility, as nearly half work for themselves. Many stylists work from home, make their own schedule at one of the many shared stylist facilities in town, or even travel to service their clients. Theyre also in an occupation projected to grow 13% by 2026. Median Pay $24,800Typical Education Postsecondary Certificate 6. Mathematician The demand formathematiciansis high - the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that this o ccupation will grow 33% by 2026, thanks to the need for businesses to analyze high volumes of data. Mathematicians may also work for the federal government or the private sector. On the surface, this job may seem the saatkorn as actuary. But while many actuaries are mathematicians, mathematicians are not always actuaries. Considered a highly-specialized profession, nearly any high-level organization wishing to achieve precision in their services and projections has at least one mathematician on their payroll. Even professional sports organizations (such as the NFL) rely heavily on mathematicians to help their recruiters pick the best athletes and players improve their performance. Median Pay $88,100Typical Education Masters Degree 7. Medical Laboratory Technician Lab Technicians collect and analyze samples for hospitals, doctors offices, and diagnostic labs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that this occupation will grow 13% by 2026. As a lab tech, you would not work directl y with patients. Physicians rely on you to help them verify whether or not a disease exists and what treatment alternatives make the most sense for the patient. Median Pay $52,300Typical Education Associate Degree 8. Medical Records Technician In contrast to some of the jobs on this list, Medical Records Technician is a lower-paying job, but its also one you can do with little education. Most hospitals or doctors offices require only a non-degree certificate from their Medical Records Technicians, and some may require an associate degree. This job is also expected to grow by 13% by 2026. Much of the work entails transcription and organization. Like the lab tech, you would work behind the scenes making sure that a patients medical history is clear for doctors. Median Pay $40,300Typical Education Postsecondary Certificate 9. Speech Language Pathologist Speech Language Pathologists (or Speech Therapists) diagnose and treat all manner of speech and swallowing disorders. This occupation is expected to grow by 18% by 2026. Speech Therapists typically need a masters degree and licensure in their states in order to practice. As a speech therapist, you would be expected to work with children and adults. You might be helping a patient overcome a speech impediment, use proper terminology to better express thoughts and feelings, or even help someone speak that doesnt speak at all. Median Pay $77,500Typical Education Masters Degree 10. Technical Writer If you lovewritingand have the ability to understand complex ideas and explain them to the average reader, you might enjoy this career, which is expected to grow 11% by 2026. Technical writers frequently write for websites, or they may produce content for instruction manuals, proofread others writings, and more. Often, the best writers are known for their ability to write clearly and concisely. The average reader typically can understand more with less. Median Pay $71,800Typical Education Bachelors Degree

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 Steps to Writing Your Resume Work Experience

6 Steps to Writing Your Resume Work Experience 6 Steps to Writing Your Resume Work Experience The work experience resume section can make or break your job application. Its where recruiters eyes spend the fruchtwein time, meaning every detail about how you describe past experiences is critical right down to the formatting. Here are 6 things you need to know about writing your resume experience.Resume work experience bestellungRegardless of the resume format youre using, your work experience should typically be ordered reverse-chronologically, with your most recent experience at the top. Listing your experience out of order can make it difficult for recruiters to skim and get a quick idea of your trajectory. (More on that later)Headings and formatting matterYour work experience subheadings must include the following informationCompanyJob locationYour job titleStart and end datesThere are different ways you can arrange this information. Some prefer to highlight their job titles and ten ure first, for exampleContent Manager, June 2017-PresentJobscan, Seattle, WAHowever, some applicant tracking systems (ATS) automatically parse your resume information into a digital applicant profile. When an ATS cant accurately read your resume, your application can slip through the cracks.Jobscans first-hand research of top ATS has found that keeping your main heading simple and to the point Work Experience, Professional Experience, etc. can help keep ATS on track. Furthermore, the subheading sequence that works best for most systems is 1) Company name, 2) job location, 3) your job title, 4) start and end dates formatted MM/YYYY.For exampleJobscan, Seattle, WA Content Manager, 06/2017-PresentYou may choose to bold the top line, right-align your start and end dates, or make other formatting choices. No matter what you do, be sure to keep it consistent all the way down. For example, if you use MM/YYYY (e.g. 06/2017) in your first entry, dont switch to Month YYYY (e.g. July 2008) o r just YYYY (e.g. 2010) later on in your work experience. It might seem innocent to you, but its a red flag for recruiters.The quality of presentation tells me something about you, a healthcare recruiter told Jobscan.Say their bebelastungung position they were there from 10/2010 until 11/2017 but in the previous company the person said November 2, 2008 until January 3, 2009, explained a non-profit recruiter. Thats misformatted. I know thats a very nitpicky thing, but Ive had candidates not move forward in the process because of something like that.Carefully tailor your work experience section to the jobDont confuse your resume with a CV. There is no need to list every little thing youve ever done. Instead, focus on the work experience that is most applicable to the job for which youre applying.Most job seekers list out everything and leave it up to the hiring manager to connect the dots. Instead of These are the types of things Ive done in the past, think more along the lines of I a m the best person for this job because of these specific skills and accomplishments. Its a subtle difference and takes practice.One recruiter told Jobscan that job seekers should strive to answer the question of the job description. Promote the skills and experience hiring professionals will find most valuable when it comes to solving the companys problems.Analyze the job description for the most important resume keywords. These are the skills that recruiters and hiring managers are looking for whether theyre skimming your resume or plugging search terms into an ATS.With Jobscan, you can get an instant breakdown of which keywords and skills from the job description are missing from your resume (among other checks). Try it out right here on the blog?Jobscans new Predicted Skills feature even leverages machine learning technology to show hard skills that the recruiter will likely find valuable but failed to list in the job description.Duties tell, accomplishments sell your resume expe rienceIts OK to include day-to-day job duties in yourwork experience resume section. To create a stronger resume, include as many accomplishmentsas you can. Effective accomplishments typically frame your work in terms of money and/or time.They are quantifiable and measurable. Dollar amounts, timespans, and percentages are all great ways to quantify your accomplishments on a resume.Here are a few resume accomplishment examplesMaintained a 97% satisfaction rating over a 24-month period as a customer care representative.Fulfilled over 4,500 warehouse orders with a 98% accuracy rate and 100% safety record over 12-month period.Created a company culture initiative which raised employee satisfaction rates by 25% YoY.Cut data processing time by 50% by building a new cloud data infrastructure, leading to more timely insights.Grew email subscriber list from 300 to 2,000 in 8 months without expanding the monthly budgetPack a punch with strong action verbs and short sentencesMaximize the impact of your resume experience by starting your sentences with action words. This will help you look like a results-oriented individual that gets stuff done.One top resume tip is to try removing as many instances of the word welches from your resume. For example, Was responsible for warehouse safety can become Researched and implementednew warehouse safety standards This makes you look like a more confident and capable candidate.Keep your sentences short and to-the-point. Recruiters tend to skim through resumes and might miss important information if its buried in a long sentence or paragraph. Using bullet points is a great way to increase skimmability.Show your career trajectory on your resumeRecruiters are curious about your career path.Im looking for the logic of why you went from this job to the next job, a healthcare recruiter told Jobscan.When a corporate recruiter finds a worthy candidate, they often craft a narrative that sells them to the hiring manager. Its getting the story o f their professional career, a non-profit recruiter told Jobscan. When we make that initial presentation email to the hiring manager, we also include a bio paragraph that goes over their career where they started, how often they moved up, where they moved to, trying to really create a narrative.Ideally, your work experience trajectory will show things like increasing responsibilities or a narrowed career focus. For example, moving up from assistant to individual contributor to manager in the same field, or starting your career as a full stack developer but using new jobs to move towards front-end specialization.When youre reviewing your resume work experience, ask yourself, Could someone guess why I changed jobs?That doesnt mean writing, My manager made my life hell so I just needed any new job. It means highlighting the growth opportunities and benefits of each new job.Resume work experience dos and dontsDOList your work experience in reverse-chronological order (most recent first) Use consistent heading formattingFocus on what will get you this job rather than everything youve ever doneInclude strategic resume keywords to catch a recruiters eye and come up in search resultsMix accomplishments in with your duties to show that youre successful and results-drivenTry to illustrate why youve gone from one job to the nextDONTGet hung up on every last job duty put more emphasis on your most transferrable work experience and skillsOutright lie in your resume work experience tailor your actual experience without making things upUse long sentences or big block paragraphs if you can help it think short sentences, strong verbs, and bullet pointsGo include over 10-20 years of work experience (in most cases exceptions for federal, law, and other industries exist)Keep goingResume optimization tool52 top resume tipsWhich resume sections should you use?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Controlling Jitters Before Your Interview

Controlling Jitters Before Your InterviewControlling Jitters Before Your InterviewRemember Someone at the organization likes you and thinks you have a chance to contribute. Youve havent been called in to be tortured you have a real shot at getting hired. If this interview doesnt work out, you will have another one. There are a lot of jobs out there. Every interviewing experience you have will prepare you to do better in the next one. The person sitting across from you was once sitting on the hot seat just like you, and they survived and got the job even though their voice trembled a bit and their knees knocked a little. Everyones been through the situation and knows what its like. Just like everyone else, this person interviewing you has friends and casual acquaintances with whom they piste out. They arent always so formal. Try to connect with your interviewer on a human level, without being too goofy and informal. Dealing with anxiety It would be a shame to let something as in significant and short-lived as an attack of nerves conceal your winning attributes. Here are some tips to prevent nervous tics and other imperfections from interfering with your best interview ever. If youre concerned with a piece of clothing in your interview ensemble maybe the naked-lady tie is a little racy and youre on the fence about it change it. In addition to favorably impressing your interviewer, your clothes should do nothing but support and feed the confidence and comfort of the intelligent, sensitive creature wearing them. During the interview youll want to look neat, clean, and well-composed. You should always wear a suit. Even if the workplace where youre applying is business casual (or has no dress code whatsoever.) Even if the interviewer tells you that you dont need to wear a suit. Its always better to overdress than underdress. Stick to conservative navy, gray or black. Women, wear pantyhose and closed-toes shoes. If a deficiency on your resume worries you, do nt obsess on it and let it sink your spirits. Think about this deficiency and how you will explain it before you go in for the interview. Its there, so absprache with it and move on. Remember, theyve agreed to interview despite this flaw, so it cant be a stopper. If there is any way of putting a positive spin on it without making it a feature of the interview, plan a short but sweet response. On the day of the interview, breathing exercises can help you relax and focus your energy. Closing your eyes, imagine a peaceful place. Or, visualize yourself acing the interview. Heres another one place your tongue at the roof of your mouth just behind the teeth and then breath quickly and forcefully through your nose for as long as you can. If you push yourself at this, when you then inhale deeply through your mouth again, you should feel energized.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Presidents State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job Opportunities

President’s State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job Opportunities President’s State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job Opportunities President’s State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job Opportunities Washington, DC (PRWEB) February 19, 2013 The Washington Post reported that the word most frequently spoken in the 2013 State of the Union speech, was JOBS. President Obama outlined initiatives that would create a variety of private-sector jobs in many industries. These new employment opportunities will in turn generate many well-paying civil service jobs, according to Kathryn Troutman, president of The Resume Place, Inc. and an expert on federal employment. When Congress or the president acts to stimulate job creation in the private sector, the federal government often must take on additional work to support, regulate or augment this economic activity,” said Troutman. “The proposals that the president outlined in his Feb. 12 speech would create work â€" and likely some new jobs in departments such as Defense and Homeland Security and in other federal agencies like the National Institutes of Health.” Among the private-sector jobs initiatives likely to create federal jobs are these five: President Obama announced the launch of three regional manufacturing innovation institutes that will help modernize American industry. These hubs will collaborate with the departments of Defense and Energy, creating work for those key federal employers. Proposed federal funding of research could help scientists understand and eventually prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease, and develop drugs to regenerate damaged organs, among other biomedical initiatives. Such research requires administrative services from the likes of the National Institutes of Health. The “Fix-It-First” program would put private-sector engineers, project managers and construction workers on the job, effecting urgent repairs on 70,000 structurally deficient bridges, among other projects. These contracts would likely require hiring in agencies such as the Federal Highway Administration charged with procuring and overseeing such infrastructure construction and repairs. President Obama asked Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Such a law could require federal departments and agencies such Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security to process millions of additional applications for citizenship, each requiring a background check and other labor-intensive steps. Additional federal jobs would likely result. The president called on Congress to “keep faith with our veterans,” which means, among others things, providing both private-sector and federal employment opportunities. Cabinet departments most likely to yield jobs for former servicemen and women include Defense, Energy, Health Human Services, Homeland Security, ICE, Interior, Justice and Transportation. “Any federal jobs engendered by the president’s proposals will be posted on USAJOBS,” said Troutman. “Candidates should be aware that the federal job application is very detailed and technical, and more demanding than the private-sector process. To be successful, applicants must rewrite and expand their resumes to meet stringent federal requirements.”

Monday, November 18, 2019

33 Ways to Boost Your Career When Youre Bored at Work - TheMuse

33 Ways to Boost Your Career When Youre Bored at Work - TheMuse 33 Ways to Boost Your Career When Youre Bored at Work - TheMuse You’ve taken on new projects. You’ve gone above and beyond. You’ve talked to your boss about additional responsibilities and gotten the old “definitely- once we have a position open/more budget/don’t need you to focus on X anymore.” Frankly, you’re bored with your job. And while sometimes, that’s a sign that you should hightail it out of there, others it’s a matter of keeping yourself moving forward (and not gouging your eyes out) until the next busy season, new client, or promotion comes along. If you’re in that boat, you’re in luck: Here’s a roundup of things you can do in the office or during off-hours to up your professional game, even when your current job isn’t exactly doing it for you. If You Want to Network 1. Start a Book Group Pick inspirational books that’re related to your field- or a general business read that everyone can get some use out of, like something from the 99U book series or Good to Great. A great cadence is once per month- take over a conference room for your lunch hour or, better yet, meet for happy hour and chat at a bar. 2. Create a Networking Group Have a few friends in your field you see from time to time at industry events? See if they’d all want to get together every month for an informal networking group, where you all meet to chat (and get advice!) about challenges you’re facing. 3. Go on Lunch Dates Ever heard of “Let’s Lunch?” It’s a (free!) online network that matches you up with someone in your area for lunch during the workweek. Connect your LinkedIn profile, provide your availability and geographic flexibility, and the site’s algorithm matches you up with a like-minded lunch partner. It’s a great way to grow your network utilizing the free time that’s already built into your day. 4. Ask a Co-worker to Join You Go out to lunch with a co-worker you don’t know well. Not only will you get to know someone new, you’ll learn more about how your company operates- and potentially find new ways to collaborate and get involved. 5. Start a Lunch Club Grab four other officemates, and assign everyone a day to bring enough lunch for everyone else on a specified day of the week. Cook once, get delicious meals (and team bonding) all five days! 6. Start the Company Softball League Or frisbee team. Or 5K for charity. Showing some initiative to get everyone out of the office and hanging out with each other on a non-work basis will show the higher-ups you have what it takes to shine in the office, too. 7. Build Your LinkedIn Following One expert suggests we should be using LinkedIn more like Twitter- finding and engaging with as many followers as possible. So, start building your network. Here are a few more things you can do on LinkedIn every month, week, and day. If You Want to Boost Your Skills 8. Try Morning Pages Start every day with 15 minutes of creative writing. Entrepreneur Chris Winfield says it has “become an essential way to clear his mind, unleash creative ideas, and quiet his inner critic, reducing his anxiety.” 9. Start a Blog It can be a place for you to write about happenings in your field, share thoughts on pop culture, or even pursue a hobby- just be clear on what your purpose is and who you want to read it. Then, get started by making a long list of topics you could potentially write about. Commit to pushing something out at least once a week to keep your (obviously avid) followers engaged. Here’s your guide to making it happen. 10. Or a Podcast Blogging not for you? Start a podcast. Better yet, invite industry leaders to be interviewed on your podcast. You’re boosting your personal brand and your professional network at once! 11. Write an Article Then, try to get it published on an industry website or LinkedIn. You’ll hone a new skill- writing and researching- and you’ll start to build your name as a thought leader in your space. Here’s the perfect template for writing a LinkedIn article. 12. Get Your Voice Heard Look for an upcoming conference or event you could speak at, and pitch yourself as a panel speaker or leader. Here’s exactly how to do it. 13. Look for Hidden Benefits Browse your company’s benefits page, and make sure you’re taking advantage of all of them. Many companies offer free financial planning services, a professional development budget, or even sabbaticals or trips to other offices. Hey, if it’s cool with HR, it’s bound to be cool with your boss. 14. Learn to Code No, really- it’ll boost your career no matter what you do (take it from us). Here are 10 free classes to get you started. 15. Or, Learn Something Else Pick a class, any class- here are 10 you can start and finish this week. 16. Or, Teach Something Consider developing live or online courses, workshops, or seminars in your areas of expertise. (Platforms like Skillshare make it easy to share what you know.) 17. Build a Personal Website No matter what field you’re in, it’s a great idea. We have a seven-day plan that makes it super easy, and at the end of it all you’ll have an online presence that shows off who you are and displays your best work. If You Want to Make Your Office Happier 18. Revamp Your Cubicle It’s amazing what some fresh photos, some non-fluorescent lighting, and some organization can do for your inspiration (not to mention sanity). Here are a few ideas to get you started. 19. Fix Something Look for a process, procedure, or meeting that everyone grumbles about, and think of one or two ways to improve upon it. Put together a plan, present it to your boss, and see if you can be the one who turns it into action. 20. Teach the Group Offer to research and present on something to your team- whether it’s socially responsible business practices or a new project management tool. 21. Launch a Brown Bag Program Once a month, invite cool speakers in to chat with your team about something in your field. 22. Mentor a Junior Employee Look to see if your company has an official program you can participate in, or just look for younger co-workers who you could take under your wing. 23. Make a List Create a list of resources you find helpful, sites you love to read, the best conferences or classes in your field, or anything else you think your co-workers might find useful, and send it out to everyone on your team. Here are 16 more list ideas to get you brainstorming. 24. Ask for a New Employee If you don’t already have one, come up with a proposal for getting an intern or other direct report. Having someone to take some work off your plate can open up space for you to work on more inspiring projects- and having someone to mentor can be a great growth experience. 25. Create a Client Survey Ask your customers and potential customers key questions that could help you better serve them (as well as for their general feedback). At minimum, you’ll get some helpful guidance for future sales or initiatives, and you’ll probably look like a star while you’re at it. If You Want to Get Out of the Office 26. Plan a Trip Research shows that just the act of planning a trip makes you happier, as you’re anticipating what’s to come. While we don’t recommend doing the actual planning on company time, daydreaming about your destination will certainly make the day go by faster. 27. Plan a Fundraiser Or, otherwise get involved in a cause you care about. Bonus: It’s a great way to network- reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while or think are interesting with an invite. 28. Do Something Totally Unrelated to Your Job Take a bartending class, sign up for a half-marathon, get SCUBA certified. While it might not have anything to do with your job, you’ll definitely be more inspired in your off hours, and that’ll give your life inspiration an overall boost. 29. Learn a New Language Along similar lines, even if you don’t speak Spanish or German at work, speaking and reading in a new language can get your brain thinking in totally new ways. (Here are five fun ways to give it a whirl.) If You Want Something Totally New 30. Take on a Side Project Start that funny Tumblr you’ve always wanted to, sell your wares as a consultant in your field, or open an Etsy store. It’ll give you a good challenge outside of your day job- not to mention some cold, hard cash. (Here’s how to set it up in 24 hours.) 31. Go Pro Bono Use some of your free time to do some work for a nonprofit or early-stage startup with a mission that you’re really excited about. This will give you a chance to grow your skills (or potentially learn new ones) and remind you why you loved your work in the first place- plus, it could even turn into an exciting, full-time opportunity down the line. 32. Get a New Job If you’ve tried everything and are still bored at your current gig, it’s probably time to look for a new one. Start making a list of your favorite companies, polishing up your resume, and getting some informational interviews on the calendar. On that note: 33. Take a Day Off Hey, if you’re bored at work, you can probably afford it. Try this one-day, 10-hour plan to totally kick start your job search on a day off.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work

10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work 10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work Few things feel better than working in an office where you feel appreciated, respected and well-liked.If you’re feeling less than admired, consider the following actions to boost your professional reputation with colleagues and managers, right from the books of highly  successful  people.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!1. Take ownershipRather than wait to be “voluntold,” take ownership of a project or initiative and run with it. Naturally, it’s ideal if it’s work you’re genuinely  passionate  about, but even if you aren’t, consider offering your  leadership  anyway. You might end up loving the assignment, and your boss will appreciate your ingenuity. Star employees possess a “roll-up-the-sleeves” mentality and a fearless enthusiasm to try new things and take risks.2. Be timelyWhether it’s a phone meeting or conference room gathering, arrive a few minutes early. Get water or coffee in advance and boot up the laptop. The few minutes these things take shouldn’t be part of the meeting â€" it’s more than just your time that you’re respecting.3. Keep promisesFew things will plummet your reputation more quickly than lack of follow-through. Show your commitment to the company by working hard, persevering through setbacks and finding alternative solutions to achieve the best results.4. Offer counterpointsThoughtfully point out considerations that further illuminate an issue.  It shows you have thought it through and have potential solutions or an alternative point of view.5. Think forwardThere’s magic in the words “It’s already done.” Integrate yourself in the office and look for opportunities to anticipate what needs to be handled before it becomes a need.6. Be flexibleBusiness priorities can shift quickly and it reflects well if you can react and adapt in the moment. While other employees might grumble, use this as an oppor tunity to demonstrate your leadership and resilience by jumping into action.7. Be passionateI’ve worked with all kinds of employees, and what I know for sure is the ones who approach their work with  passion  always stand out above the rest. Their commitment and positivity influence fellow employees and often helps the business achieve goals that seemed lofty, simply because their vision was so convicted.8. Keep calmWe’ve all worked with people who seem to bring and create drama wherever they go. It’s one of the most draining and demoralizing traits in the workplace. Great employees don’t allow themselves to be drawn into this type of behavior, use their position to squelch it, or get angry. Learn how to maintain your composure and stay cool under pressure.9. Be innovativeTackle problems head-on and find ways to create process efficiencies, save money or introduce a new concept.10. Get smartWhether it’s a global issue, an industry trend, or the latest best seller, stay inf ormed. Chances are, by keeping up on what’s happening in the world, you’ll be able to offer intelligent insight on a variety of topics.Tiffany Couch is the CEO and founder of  Acuity Forensics, a forensic accounting and fraud investigation firm that helps unravel complex financial crimes.A version of this post previously appeared on  Fairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people 10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work Few things feel better than working in an office where you feel appreciated, respected and well-liked. If you’re feeling less than admired, consider the following actions to boost your professional reputation with colleagues and managers, right from the books of highly  successful  people.1. Take ownershipRather than wait to be “voluntold,” take ownership of a project or initiative and run with it. Naturally, it’s ideal if it’s work you’re genuinely  passionate  about, but even if you aren’t, consider offering your  leadership  anyway. You might end up loving the assignment, and your boss will appreciate your ingenuity. Star employees possess a “roll-up-the-sleeves” mentality and a fearless enthusiasm to try new things and take risks.2. Be timelyWhether it’s a phone meeting or conference room gathering, arrive a few minutes early. Get water or coffee in advance and boot up the laptop. The few minutes these things take shouldn’t be part of the meeting â€" it’s more than just your time that you’re respecting.3. Keep promisesFew things will plummet your reputation more quickly than lack of follow-through. Show your commitment to the company by working hard, persevering through setbacks and finding alternative solutions to achieve the best results.4. Offer counterpointsThoughtfully point out considerations that further illuminate an issue.  It shows you have thought it through and have potential solutions or an alternative point of view.5. Think forwardThere’s magic in the words “It’s already done.” Integrate yourself in the office and look for opportunities to anticipate what needs to be handled before it becomes a need.6. Be flexibleBusiness priorities can shift quickly and it reflects well if you can react and adapt in the moment. While other employees might grumble, use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and resilience by jumping into action.7. Be passionateI’ve worked with all kinds of employees, and what I know for sure is the ones who approach their work with  passion  always stand out above the rest. Their commitment and positivity influence fellow employees and often helps the business achieve goals that seemed lofty, simply because their vision was so convicted.8. Keep calmWe’ve all worked with people who seem to bring and create drama wherever they go. It’s one of the most draining and demoralizing traits in the workplace. Great employees don’t allow themselves to be drawn into this type of behavior, use their position to squelch it, or get angry. Learn how to maintain your composure and stay cool under pressure.9. Be innovativeTackle problems head-on and find ways to create process efficiencies, save money or introduce a new concept.10. Get smartWhether it’s a global issue, an industry trend, or the latest best seller, stay informed. Chances are, by keeping up on what’s happening in the world, you’ll be able to offer intelligent insight on a variety of topics.Tiff any Couch is the CEO and founder of  Acuity Forensics, a forensic accounting and fraud investigation firm that helps unravel complex financial crimes.A version of this post previously appeared on  Fairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sewage Sludge Power

Sewage Sludge Power Sewage Sludge Power Sewage Sludge Power Sewage sludge is on the rise in Europe. Wastewaters solid waste has to go somewhere and one of the easiest ways of dealing with the stuff is to incinerate it. But turning sludge to ash means adding an additional energy cost to the long chain of waste management needs. The largest sewage sludge incinerator in Europe is operated by Slibverwerking Noord-Brabant (SNB) in The Netherlands. The firm has transformed its plant into an energy-neutral one. To do so it turned to heat recovery steam generator specialists, NEM (which was acquired by Siemens in 2011). The incinerator was first built in 1997 and used low-pressure saturated steam to dry the sludge. At that time, the facility had an auxiliary boiler on hand to use in case of a steam shortage. But that boiler has never been used, because the heat from the sludge was higher than anticipated, so in fact they had an excess of steam, says Erwin Aalbers, NEM project manager. In 2012, SNB decided to try to put all that extra steam to use. According to their calculations, it was possible to reduce energy consumption to near zero if properly outfitted. Until that time, even though they were producing a small amount of power, they were a power consumer, they still needed electricity from the grid, says Aalbers. To win the bid for the job, NEM proposed turning two of the facilitys four lines of low-pressure steam to high-pressure lines. Such a switch to high pressure can seem like a sudden addition of risk to some, according to Aalbers. These plants may think its too complicated, might be a little bit afraid. They were used to 10 bars steam, all of a sudden they have 60, he says. But its still steam, its not rocket science. The sludge incineration process. Image: SNB An additional challenge was that the new boilers and turbines had to fit into the existing structure. It meant we had to look a bit further, outside our comfort level, and reduce the tube diameter to outside the regular range, says Aalbers. They also promised that they could finish the job in a mere 83 days and keep the plant burning sludge all the while. To do that (after winning the bid), they built a header that could connect to different branches and would ultimately be left in the facility unused. So in effect we started with a lot of additional equipment which is useless at this moment, says Aalbers. It was required for us to be flexible. NEM managed to complete the job early, and the new system powers itself, making it truly energy-neutral. Business for incinerators is likely to be booming in the coming years. Until recently, Germany has used about 30 percent of its sewage sludge as fertilizer. But now, because of the amount of heavy metals and other pollutants found in the material, the sludge cant legally be slathered on dirt. While a small portion of that could be shipped to SNB, Germany is planning on building its own incinerators that will produce a pure, uncontaminated ash. Nine percent of all sludge becomes ash, and about twenty percent of that is phosphorus, vital raw material. To learn how to best separate it from sludge, the Germans came to SNB. The only way to incinerate and recover phosphorus is by our technology, mono-incineration, says Marcel Lefferts, SNBs director. The mono of mono-incineration means the facility is used to incinerate nothing but sludge. They took a tour of the plant as a showcase of good practice of sludge treatment, looking for advice from our side. Currently only two of SNBs lines use high-pressure steam. Tax laws in the Netherlands currently make energy production fiscally tricky, but they may be changing soon. If so, the plant could convert their two low-pressure lines to high-pressure and produce about 3.5 megawatts. Already they are planning to install a new generator set that will make them a net producer of energy. That may not make sludge the green energy source of choice for powering the entire planet, but, For SNB, it would be very helpful for reducing the cost for sludge incineration, says Aalbers. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. Learn about the latest energy solutions at ASMEs Power Energy Conference and Exhibition For Further Discussion Even though they were producing a small amount of power, they were a power consumer, they still needed electricity from the grid. Erwin Aalbers, NEM project manager

Friday, November 15, 2019

Career lessons from televisions reboot season

Career lessons from television's reboot season Career lessons from television's reboot season It seems like you can’t flip through TV or movie listings without hitting a somewhat updated version of a movie or show. But why? With all the creativity in the world, why are there so many rehashed formulas instead of brand-new offerings? Based on ratings or preference, people seem to enjoy watching something they already know and love â€" or at the very least are comfortable enough with so they don’t automatically switch the channel or binge something else.In no particular order, here are some recent reboots and some career takeaways to consider:A star is rebornDepending on who you spoke with, modern film purists either salivated or balked when this one was announced. After all, hadn’t Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson already created the perfect version of the tragic love story? Well, yeah. But so, had Janet Gaynor and Frederic March and Judy Garland and James Mason. Because not only had A Star is Born been filmed before, this is the 4th iteration of the tale of doomed lovers.Reboot career lesson learned: While repeating yourself at work isn’t always the smartest option, sometimes it is. If you’re planning the annual holiday party and remember everyone loving the venue or décor menu of the party four years ago, feel free to revisit. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day of your working life, you just have to make sure that the newest version is on par with or superior in some way to the one that came before.Charmed, I’m sureWhen Charmed debuted in the ’90s it told the story of an imperfect trio of sisters who happened to also be witches. Sure, there were underlying messages of sisterhood is powerful, but there were also the usual searches for love and somewhat magically available careers. On the other hand, when Sabrina the Teenage Witch debuted as a comic book character in Archie comics, she was most often portrayed as ditzy and adorable and happened to possess the gift of magic. In Netflix’s dark and murky reboot, she also battles issues of her potential dark side, bullying, sexuality, and choice.Reboot career lesson learned:  It’s almost spooky that the stories of young, powerful women (in this case witches) are making their way back to the small screen. In a post #MeToo era, the TV landscape is shifting â€" however slowly â€" to include characters that are smart, fierce and talented, featuring women in the leading roles. If you’ve ever felt like your industry wasn’t friendly to the idea of a woman supervisor or boss, perhaps it’s time to make a case for more women in your workplace.We are familyRoseanne Barr is no stranger to controversy, but a racist comment a few months back endangered not only her own career, but also potentially put the careers of her coworkers at risk. In a move lauded by many, the producers of the show fired its star, but the show was left with an uncertain future. Fast forward a few months and the formerly female-led Roseanne had morphed into The Conners. In some way s, nothing had changed. A show about a family became more so.Reboot career lesson learned: As career inspiration goes, there was an incredibly valuable takeaway from the Roseanne story. No one is indispensable and nearly everyone is replaceable. Even if your name is on the door or letterhead, you must keep defining yourself as the person worth doing business with. And remember to protect your team, or they might just move on without you.And a misfireBack in the ’80s, Tom Selleck embodied the role of TV private investigator Magnum P.I. complete with loud aloha shirts and his iconic ‘stache. Selleck exuded charm while sharing crackling online chemistry with co-star John Hillerman. In the reboot, actor Jay Hernandez is surrounded by the same lush surroundings and has a posh bachelor pad to boot. Only it doesn’t work. Or at least it doesn’t work as a reboot of a show that relied as much on its cast as its surroundings. And unlike Hawaii Five-0 that somehow managed to recreate a wildly popular procedural, this version pretty much falls flat.Reboot career lesson learned: Don’t try to cram yourself into the wrong role. If your boss or coworkers try to force you to assume responsibilities that feel like a bad fit, speak up. And then find a way to shine instead of trying to be an imitation of somebody else’s glory days.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Environmental Careers - Find a Green Job

Environmental Careers - Find a Green Job Environmental Careers - Find a Green Job Do you care intensely  about the earth? Follow your passion and consider one of these environmental careers.  People who work in these occupations, also known as green jobs,  protect our planet and help repair it. Now, all you have to do is figure out which one of these is the  right career for you, and then  fulfill the educational requirements  to reach your goal. These occupations pay well, and some require only an associate degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts they will have an excellent job outlook. Agricultural Engineer Agricultural engineers design farm machinery, equipment, sensors, processes, and structures. They improve the processing of agricultural products and develop ways to conserve soil and water. Earn a  bachelors degree in engineering  with a concentration in agricultural engineering if you want to work in this occupation. For jobs that involve working directly with the public, you will also have to become licensed as a  Professional Engineer. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $74,780 Number of People Employed (2016): 2,700 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  8  percent (as fast as the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  200 Conservation Scientist Conservation scientists find ways to utilize  land while protecting the natural resources on it. They work with landowners and governments. A bachelors degree in ecology, natural resource management, agriculture,  biology, or environmental science is required to work in this occupation. Eventually, you may want to get a masters degree or doctorate for advancement. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $61,480 Number of People Employed (2016):  22,300 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  6  percent (as fast as the average for all occupation) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  1,400 Environmental Engineer Environmental engineers use engineering principles and their knowledge of biology, soil science, and chemistry  to solve environmental problems. They have expertise in pollution control, recycling, and public health issues.   To work in this field, you will need a bachelors degree in environmental engineering. A professional engineering license is necessary to provide services to the public. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $86,800 Number of People Employed (2016):  53,800 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  8  percent (as fast as the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  4,500 Environmental Scientist Environmental scientists goal is to identify, abate, or eliminate pollutants and hazards to the environment or the health of the population. They conduct research to help them in this endeavor. It is possible to get an entry-level job with only a bachelors degree, but you will have to continue your education to make yourself a more desirable job candidate for advanced positions. Most employers prefer to hire job candidates who have a masters degree in environmental science, hydrology, or a related natural science. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $69,400 Number of People Employed (2016):  89,500 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  11 percent (faster than the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  9,900 Environmental Technician Environmental technicians perform laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and look for sources of pollution. They work under the supervision of environmental scientists. The educational requirements to work in this occupation vary greatly. Most jobs require an  associate degree  or a certificate in applied science or science-related technology. For others, you will need only a high school diploma. There are even some jobs that require a bachelors degree. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $45,490 Number of People Employed (2016):  34,600 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  12  percent (faster than the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  4,200 Geoscientist Geoscientists study the earths composition, structure, and other physical aspects. Some help environmental scientists clean up and preserve the environment. You will need a masters degree to work in this occupation. Your degree can be in  physics, biology, engineering, chemistry, computer science, or mathematics as long as you take classes in geology. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $89,850 Number of People Employed (2016):  32,000 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  14  percent (faster than the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  4,500 Hydrologist Hydrologists study underground and surface waters. They manage the water supply and solve problems with its quality. It is possible to get an entry-level job with just a bachelors degree. If, however, you want to advance beyond that, a masters degree in geoscience, environmental science, or engineering with a concentration in hydrology or water sciences is required.   Median Annual Salary (2017):  $79,990 Number of People Employed (2016):  6,700 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  10  percent (faster than the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  700 Landscape Architect Landscape architects  design outdoor areas, for example, residences, parks, shopping centers, school campuses, golf courses, and parkways. Their goal is to make them beautiful, functional, and compatible with the natural environment. To practice this occupation, you will need a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) or a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (BSLA). Individuals with bachelors degrees in other subjects can earn a Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) degree instead. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $65,760 Number of People Employed (2016):  24,700 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  6  percent (as fast as the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  1,600 Urban or Regional Planner Urban or regional planners help local governments decide how to best use their land and resources. They develop plans and programs after meeting with government officials, the public, and developers. To work as an urban or regional planner, you  must have a masters degree in urban or regional planning from an accredited graduate program. Your bachelors degree can be in a variety of majors, but studying economics, geography, political science, or environmental design at the undergraduate level can be excellent preparation for your graduate studies. Median Annual Salary (2017):  $71,490 Number of People Employed (2016):  36,000 Projected Job Growth (2016-2026):  13  percent (faster than the average for all occupations) Projected Increase in Jobs (2016-2026):  4,600 Comparing Environmental Careers Required Degree License Median Salary (2017) Agricultural Engineer Bachelors Required to work with the public $74,780 Conservation Scientist Bachelors none $61,480 Environmental Engineer Bachelors Required to work with the public $86,800 Environmental Scientist Masters none $69,400 Environmental Technician Associate none $45,490 Geoscientist Masters Required to work with the public in some states $89,850 Hydrologist Masters Required in some states $79,990 Landscape Architect Bachelors Required in almost all states $65,760 Urban or Regional Planner Masters none $71,490 Explore more  Careers By Field or Industry Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,    Occupational Outlook Handbook; Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,    O*NET  Online

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

DONHR CHART Update! No More Resumix!

DONHR CHART Update! No More Resumix! DONHR CHART Update! No More Resumix! DONHR CHART Update! No More Resumix! From the CHART website We are saying goodbye to CHART, the Department of the Navys hiring system. I was the very first workshop leader for Navy Resumix in the Southeast Region in 1999-2000. At that time, Navy Civilian HR recruiters were transitioning from paper / SF-171 / resume to Resumix. I taught a group of 35 Human Resources specialists that they would be using an automated system to query for keywords from the applicant resumes. And the keywords would be taken from the announcement, PD or occupational series for the position. This was world-class change in Federal HR Recruitment. Now in 2011, we are leaving Resumix and the keyword query system behind. I wrote the first (and only) book on how to write a Resumix resume for the Navy/USMC system, the Electronic Federal Resume Guidebook filled with keywords for many occupational series. Navy and US Marine Corps are moving to, which is an automated application system of resumes online, and a questionnaire system in Application Manager. The Self-Assessment Questionnaire was originally designed and developed by Bryan Hochstein, Founder of QuickHire. This Questionnaire is now the valid, reliable assessment tool that President Obama wrote about in his Hiring Reform Executive Order. Below is a summary of the major differences between CHART and USAJOBS for your consideration when revising your resume and applying for jobs with the NAVY and USMC through USAJOBS. Please share the dates, times and access to USAJOBS info with your colleagues and federal job-seeking friends. Key Points About the Transition: All resume information in CHART will be manually uploaded and transferred to a USAJOBS account by September 30 as USAJOBS will not be available October 6-12 (due to updates and maintenance). If you didnt make the September 30 deadline, you can still try to access your CHART resume and move it to USAJOBS before October 6. If you have an electronic copy of your CHART federal resume, you can copy it into the USAJOBS Resume Builder after October 12. CHART will be taken offline on October 12 for external applicants. Current DoD or DON employees will have access to CHART via their CAC until December 30. Applicants should search for civilian Navy and Marine Corps jobs at USAJOBS. At a recent training, we said our farewells to CHART with CAKE! ** Photo of our Bye Bye CHART cake taken at the Federal Career Training Institute in Baltimore, MD with the following class members: Front Row: Felipe Gonzalez (Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA); Victor Johnson (Marine Corps Community Services, Arlington, VA); Kathryn Troutman (President, Resume Place); Lisa Bauch (Military and Family Support Center, Joint Base Anacostia Bolling, DC); Paul Alen Stewart (Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA); Pamela Sikora (Resume Place) Back Row: Dong Kim (McConnell AFB, Wichita, KS); Stephen Petro, Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY); Walter Anderson (Laughlin AFB, TX); Coletha Cox (Hanscom AFB, Woburn, MA); Sharon Dee McCrae (Aberdeen Workforce Center, Havre de Grace, MD) The Differences Between CHART and USAJOBS DONHR Civilians and Navy Civilian Jobseekers will be getting used to the resume builder and the questionnaire after October 13. The new combination USAStaffing application is a whole new world for Navy Civilian Job Applicants. DONHR Civilians and Navy Civilian Jobseekers will be getting used to the resume builder and the questionnaire after October 13. The new combination USAStaffing application is a whole new world for Navy Civilian Job Applicants. How Applications are Processed CHART: No More Resumix! CHART was a Resumix System where the HR specialists searched for best qualified candidates with keywords and keyword phrases. Army CPOL is still using Resumix for some agencies and bases, but this will end very soon also. Resumix will be totally gone in 2012. USAJOBS: This is a human system, where the keywords are important for the resume for the human HR specialists and the supervisors to read, but there will not be any keyword searches for the best qualified candidates. Document Submission CHART: Resume Only + Supplemental Data Sheet + Documents. USAJOBS: Resume Builder + Questionnaire + Documents (including optional cover letter). Closing Dates CHART: Most closing dates in the job announcements were Open Inventory open for a year or more. USAJOBS: Most closing dates have a closing date of 5 days to maybe 1 year. Vacancy Announcements CHART: Vacancy announcements were short, generic and used to collect resumes for entire occupational series for the program or organization to consider. The Navy Civilian announcements were not very helpful for finding keywords for writing the best federal resume. USAJOBS: Vacancy announcements are usually more specific for a particular position or positions. The announcements will include better descriptions of duties, Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, specialized experience and questionnaires. Some announcements collect resumes for future consideration for a number of programs or organizations; some are for locations throughout the US or the world. Character Counts CHART: You could write up to 6,500 characters for each of your Work Experience job blocks. USAJOBS: You can write only 3,000 characters (including spaces) for each of your Work Experience job blocks. Resume Format CHART: Big Block format. The Work Experience blocks were typically written in Big Block format with the 6,000+ characters in one paragraph, which is difficult for HR reviewers and supervisors to read. It was commonly thought that since a computer reads the resume, the big block of type is just fine. USAJOBS: Small paragraphs with Accomplishments. No computers are reading the resumes, only people. Therefore, the Big Block paragraph format is not a competitive style for the USAJOBS HR reviewers and supervisors. For USAJOBS, the federal resume should be written in small paragraphs, 6 to 8 lines long; should include accomplishments to support the KSAs in the announcement; and should include keywords that match the duties and questionnaire questions. This combination of small paragraphs, keywords and accomplishments will be easy for HR reviewers and supervisors to read. Resume Selection CHART: The first cut was made by Resumix and keywords. The HR specialist review was done bykeywords with the Resumix system. The HR specialist and supervisor would agree on 5 to 7 keywords to pull the best qualified candidates. The applicant had to show minimum qualifications and have the keywords in order to get referred. USAJOBS: The first cut is made by the Questionnaires. The HR specialist review is done by getting the score on the multiple-choice, self-assessment questionnaire. Therefore, you should give yourself all the credit that you can on the questionnaire. Your questionnaire score is added to your resume score, and that will determine if you are Minimally Qualified, Qualified or Best Qualified. Why is DONHR Moving From CHART to USAJOBS and USA Staffing? The following is taken from an article: Early Transitions to USAJOBS and USA Staffing a Success The Department of the Navy (DON) continues to reform and improve hiring processes across the organization. With a focus on improving the applicants experience and reducing the time to fill vacancies, the current push includes the transition to USAJOBS and USA Staffing which involves changes in the hiring tools and systems backbone. These improved tools and processes are just one part of the DONs response to critical hiring reform initiatives, says Jean Mercer, the DONs HR Systems and Business Transformation Director. Our application process has become more streamlined and easier to understand. Also, USAJOBS provides one-stop shopping for our applicants to seek out federal jobs within the DON as well as with other agencies. For hiring managers, senior leaders and HR professionals, Mercer says USAJOBS and USA Staffing offer ready access to tools and information about candidates right on their desktop. Managers now will be able to directly view the applicant certificates and immediately see what actions have been taken. We will know if candidates have been selected, accepted or declined job offer, or if we havent heard from them. Managers also will be able to print application materials. Mercer noted that panel members interviewing candidates also will be able to view candidate information. This makes hiring decisions quicker and reduces the time it takes to fill the vacant positions, says Mercer. The changes also support increased collaboration among hiring managers, senior leaders and HR professionals. Our experience tells us that this produces the best results that means we get the best candidates for the position. USAJOBS and USA Staffing replaces cumbersome legacy systems known as CHART and RESUMIX. Hiring manager Alfreada Brown, who is with an activity of Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), and long-time user of the former systems, praised the new tools. My first experience with the new system was a good one, says Brown. The whole process is much simpler and faster. Brown and the CNIC activity are customers of the DONs Human Resources Service Center East and among the first customers transitioned to USAJOBS and USA Staffing. The next phase of transitions is scheduled for May 2011. The DON expects to complete the transition within the year. The DON offers comprehensive training and information on the transition and related hiring reform initiatives. Information is available on the Hiring Reform site. All resume information in CHART should be manually uploaded and transferred to an USAJOBS account by September 30 as USAJOBS will not be available October 6-12 (due to updates and maintenance). CHART will be taken offline on October 12 for external applicants. Current DoD or DON employees will have access to CHART via their CAC until 30 December 2011. A DON fact sheet outlines the key steps to transfer information. Applicants should search for civilian Navy and Marine Corps jobs at USAJOBS. Moving Resumes from CHART to USAJOBS for External Applicants Moving Resumes from CHART to USAJOBS for DON and DoD Employees

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

8 signs you arent self-aware about your professional reputation

8 signs you aren’t self-aware about your professional reputation 8 signs you aren’t self-aware about your professional reputation Not sure what your colleagues and clients think of you at work? Unless you’ve been flying under the radar, there’s a solid chance you’ve got a workplace reputation - whether that’s that you’re the super punctual one, the go-to person for all things tech, the gossiper or something else entirely.Your professional reputation is important because it can affect your ability to maintain and get a job - that’s because it can affect how other professionals both in your job and in your industry as a whole view you.If you’re in tune with your workplace, communicate with your colleagues, and  self-aware, you probably already know your workplace reputation. But here are eight signs that you’re not self-aware about it (and should become more aware).1. Your colleagues always come to you for specific situations and you’re not sure whyIf your colleagues are constantly coming to you to help them fix their email settings or reboot their computers or something else technology-relate d, it’s probably because they know you as the go-to person for all things tech. If you’re a tech-savvy person, that might be your reputation. Meanwhile, if they’re always coming to you for help with campaign slogans or company fundraiser ideas, perhaps they consider you the witty, creative one on the team.2. Your colleagues never ask for your help, even in your expertiseIf your colleagues are never coming to you for help, even if the help is something in which you can certainly lend a hand, it may be because they don’t trust you. Perhaps you don’t have the best reputation, or you’re known for being lazy or for falling short, and that’s why they ask someone other than you for help. For example, if they need help crafting an email to pitch clients, and that’s your job, but they ask someone else on the sales team who happens to be a decent writer for help instead, that’s not a good sign.3. Your colleagues never include you at informal company outingsIf your colleagues are never inviting you to happy hours, lunches or other informal get-togethers, this could be a cause for concern. Perhaps you’re unaware that you don’t have the greatest reputation - and they may not want you around after hours. That, or you may be known as the quiet one who doesn’t seem all that interested, so they don’t bother asking. Either way, this is not a reputation you’d like to have at work.4. Your colleagues always ask you to plan company outings, and you’re not sure whyIf your colleagues are always asking you to plan company outings, it may be because you’ve got the reputation of the motherly one. If you’re constantly being asked to take on mother-manager duties like managing everyone’s schedules for them to plan an after-work party that has nothing to do with your actual job role - just because  you’re so good at it  - you might be considered the “office mom.”5. Your colleagues always come to you about gossipIf everyone comes to you to talk a bout gossip, they might assume it’s because you’ve got the scoop. Maybe they’ve heard that you know something about someone, or they know that you can get the details on whatever is going on in the office. Whatever the case, you never want to be known as the office gossiper.6. Your colleagues make jokes about you, and you’re not sure whyIf your colleagues are always calling you nicknames like brown noser, for example, it may be because you’ve got the reputation of kissing up to the leaders in the company. Meanwhile, if they’re always making jokes about your arsenal of random facts, perhaps it’s because they know you as the person in the office who’d win jeopardy every time.7. You’re passed up for promotionsIf you’re regularly passed up for promotions or passed up by someone in the office who isn’t as qualified or hasn’t been with the company as long as you, it may be because you don’t have as professional a reputation as them. Of course, it may be wrongful of the company, too. But there could be a legitimate reason that they didn’t pick you, and that’s concerning.8. You’re promoted unexpectedlyIf you’re suddenly promoted and didn’t see it coming yourself, maybe your company values your work more than you thought. Perhaps you have a better standing and a more impressive reputation than you even believed yourself.AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo  travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report,  Twitter  @herreport, and  Facebook.A version of this post previously appeared on  Fairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and c areer advice.