Monday, December 30, 2019

The Changing Role of Law Enforcement

The Changing Role of Law EnforcementThe Changing Role of Law EnforcementRead nearly any assekuranzbrief publication especially those written by and for theversicherungsschein and you will no doubt find pages filled with exhortations to embrace the mentality of the warrior. The idea is to encourage officers to be ready to face any challenge in the fight against crime. Visit almost any police academy, and you will hear much of the same. Warriors on the Thin Blue Line We train our police officers to be warriors, to be ready to face any fight and engage nearly any threat. Our officers stand on the thin blue line, ready to protect their community. In truth, that thin blue line is often a battle line we have drawn between law-abiding citizens and the criminals who would harm them. Make no mistake law enforcement is a dangerous job. There is little question that police officers need to be ready to access their inner warrior in an instant. There are some, however, who suggest that the current model of training, and indeed culture among police departements, is setting law enforcement up for a collision course with the citizens their officers are sworn to protect. Articles, and even books such as Radley Balkos Rise of the Warrior Cop, have raised concerns for what the perceived militarization of police means for law enforcement and citizens. Public Scrutiny of Police Practices Throughout the modern history of policing, the relationship between law enforcement and the public they serve has often been tenuous. When the concept of a uniformed police force welches first championed by Sir Robert Peel in London in the early 1800s, he was met with much resistance due to fears of what would essentially be a standing army within the city comparisons were made to police as a government-sanctioned occupying force. The problem of how to enforce laws while preserving rights is bedrngnis at all new. Public scrutiny of police officers and police departments is ever-increasing , and technology is only making that scrutiny easier. Officers have long been held to a high ethical standard, and so much more so now. Even the Rodney King tragedy in the early 1990s was a seemingly singular event due to the limited media outlets and relative cumbersome recording methods available at the time. Flash forward to the Age of the Internet and instant access to everythingand anyone with a smartphone can easily and instantly expose any officer misconduct or the perception thereof to thousands, if not millions of people. And there are plenty of people who think nothing of purposefully goading officers and pushing the envelope as far as they can while remaining within their rights, all for the purpose of exposing the ignorance of police with regards to the very laws they are supposed to enforce and the rights they are sworn to uphold. More unsettling is that research by George Washington University Professor of Sociology Ronald Weitzer, among others, indicates that the pu blics trust in law enforcement is significantly and negatively impacted when high-profile incidents of police misconduct are publicized. With more and more opportunities to document police acting poorly, the need is more apparent than ever to ensure officers do the right thing for the right reasons at all times, lest the public trust in the police is diminished to the point where officers can no longer perform their jobs. Eroding Trust, Eroding Effectiveness Unfortunately, all too often officers do not help themselves in such instances. Rather than showing measured, thoughtful and intelligent responses, officers (at least the ones who are made famous on YouTube) view any challenge to their authority as a threat that must be subdued or eliminated. This bravado is getting both citizens, and officers hurt and only serves to diminish the public trust in law enforcement further. Peelian Principles Mistrust of the police is nothing new. In the beginnings of the modern police force , Peel and others offered guidelines for police, noting the importance of their relationship to the community. These guiding principles, popularly known as the Peelian Principles, are concepts that the public demands still today. According to Peel The police force exists to maintain order and prevent crime.The approval and trust of the public are vital for police to carry out their mission.A police forces ultimate goal is to achieve voluntary compliance with the law from the public they serve.Police officers and departments must both adhere to the law and be unwavering in its enforcement they should refrain from being swayed by public opinion but instead be concerned with promoting and doing what is always right.Uses of force and control are the last resort, not the first reaction. Other means of persuasion should be exhausted before force is used. Officers are civilians too, and members of their communities they come from, are a part of, and are answerable to the communities they serve.The effectiveness of any police agency should not be measured by the number of arrests made or by the actions of other law enforcement, but by the absence of crime and delinquent behaviors in the community. The Jaded Warrior Police departments around the world still espouse these principles in their slogans and their mission statements. It does not take long, however, for new officers to begin to see themselves as set apart from, rather than a part of, their communities. Officers and even police recruits can very quickly and easily become jaded through their regular contact with criminals and neer-do-wells. When this occurs, that warrior mindset that serves so well to protect the officer on the job can very quickly drive a wedge between the police and their citizens. Guardians of Democracy Back to Basics Thats where the concept of Guardian Policing comes in. In a sense, its a return to those original Peelian Principles. The idea is to teach officers to view themselves not as soldiers in a war on crime but as guardians appointed to protect and uphold rights. To some, it may be a difference without distinction. In practice, though, it means smarter police officers who demonstrate a strength of mind, will, and character first, and brawn or force second and only then when absolutely necessary. Championed by the Blue Courage the Heart and Mind of the Guardian organization and law enforcement leaders like former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr, Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, the guardian concept teaches recruits to employ critical thinking, empathy, and common sense in their interactions with everyday citizens and suspected criminals alike. The training concept has been implemented in the states of Washington and Arizona so far, and while the results have yet to be seen, the hopes are high. High Hopes for the Future of Policing Those hopes are that if officers view themselves as guardians and protect ors of the people - all people - and their rights, they will treat each and every person they encounter with respect and dignity. In turn, when people - even criminals - feel they are treated respectfully and fairly, given a chance to express themselves and interact peacefully with the officers, then officer complaints, uses of force, and injuries to both officers and subjects will decrease.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Job Search Tips from Job Central

Job Search Tips from Job CentralJob Search Tips from Job CentralTips to approach your job search with a mobile-first lens.As many of you know, I normally provide job-search advice through my weekly column on The Career Chronicles, and on Twitter and Facebook. So its always a great privilege when I get the chance meet professionals and answer their questions in person.Thank you to everyone who braved the crowds and made it into Job Central. For those who were unable to get in or may have missed one of the presentations, please visit to gain access to the presentation materials.Ive also included a few key takeaways from my presentations hyperlinked with relevant articles to help you find that right job, soonerAs a job seeker, you are in the business of absatzwirtschaft a product yourself. Clarify your job goals, and then build a personal branding campaign around them. Craft a resume that not only impresses the hiring manager, but is sure to make it past the electronic gatekeeper.Clean up your online presence and utilize social media to build an online brand that supports your job goals by highlighting your relevant work experience, skill sets, accomplishments and professional memberships.Dont rely on any one way to find job leads. Recruiters are only one of many sources you can use to learn about jobs. Try utilizing social media channels, online job boards and your network to discover both published and hidden opportunities in the market.Take advantage of every opportunity you have to network. Whether youre waiting in line to order a Starbucks or youre in a plane stuck on the tarmac, strike up a conversation with the person next to you. That stranger could be a valuable resource for your search.Interviewing is a three-step process. How you prepare and what you do afterwards is just as important as what happens when youre sitting in the interview room pitching your skills.With all the advances in technology, the recruiting process h as become more mobile. Always approach your search with a mobile-first lens to find the most leads and stay ahead of the competition. I wish each and every one of you the best of luck with your search and look forward to providing you with more job-search tips each week

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Manage Stress at Work by Retraining your Brain

Manage Stress at Work by Retraining yur BrainManage Stress at Work by Retraining yur BrainManage Stress at Work by Retraining your Brain Schoen, Ph.D., author of Your Survival Instinct is Killing You Retrain your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience (Hudson Street Press, 2013.)The ability to perform well under pressure including how we manage stress at work is one of the best skills we can develop. Those individuals who excel under these conditions often report having a critical business advantage.As important as managing workplace stress can be, few executives or leaders receive training in this essential ability. Instead, most learn about performing under pressure from their own childhood experiences. These may include oral reports, sports, exams or standardized tests that are often given under time constraints.Yet for a large segment of the population, these early experiences have not sufficiently prepared them to thrive under pressure. Instead, they often prepare us to un ravel under pressure.A small percentage of individuals actually come into the world pre-wired to perform under pressure. In fact, for some of these individuals, they actually do their best work under these intense conditions.Unfortunately, the majority of us are ill-prepared to manage stress, leaving us to suffer a number of disappointments or frustrations related to high-pressure conditions. The good news is that it is possible to groom ourselves to flourish in these circumstances including pervasive work-related stress.The Brain Must Be RetrainedTo successfully manage stress at work and stress overall requires training two very different regions of our brain to be team players, as opposed to being at odds with each other. The higher-order processing region of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. This is the region that is responsible for problem solving, such as inductive, deductive, abstract, and logical thinking.Meanwhile, an older region of the brain, called the limbic sys tem, is responsible for assessing danger in the world, in other words, keeping us safe.When the limbic brain senses danger, it activates our survival instinct or the fear response in the brain and body, shutting off power to the higher-order processing region of the brain. Without sufficient fuel in this part of the brain there is little juice left to run the problem-solving machinery.The limbic systems fear response often misinterprets pressure as a threat. The limbic brain is particularly sensitive to this if past experiences of being under pressure have resulted in poor outcomes, such as failure, embarrassment, judgment, or rejection.The Stress Management SolutionHow can we learn to successfully manage stress? The solution lies in retraining the limbic system to experience pressure and discomfort in either a positive or a neutral manner, as opposed to a threat. Stated differently, we are interested in training ourselves to be resilient in uncomfortable conditions.In a course I te ach at UCLA we do this by conditioning students to welcome pressure-related discomfort, rather than to fear and avoid it.Here are some strategies from this course that can make a significant difference in successfully performing under pressure and in stressful conditions.Accept that pressure-related discomfort is normal. The goal is not to banish stress-related anxiety. If we seek to exterminate it, we only increase our fear of pressure. Instead, practice being more accepting of pressure-related discomfort.Welcome and embrace pressure-related discomfort. Learn to love pressure. Use the power of relabeling, which teaches the brain to interpret pressure in a new way. You can even tell yourself that you cant wait to feel pressure and that you love how it makes you feel.Practice in pressured conditions. Too often we practice our skills in non-pressured situations. It is far better to devote some of your practice time while under pressure. Initially, the goal isnt to get it right, but i nstead to become acclimated and more comfortable with pressure-related discomfort.Practice under imperfect conditions. The world seldom lines up perfectly. It is far better to practice in imperfect conditions where there are distractions, annoyances, and interruptions. With practice, these imperfections are neutralized, and in many cases, become facilitative of performance.Use Your Sleep to Rewire Your Brain. It is possible to manage stress by using sleep as a tool to rewire your response to pressure and fear.Build up your discomfort muscle. Since the limbic systems fear response is related to perceiving discomfort as a threat, it is important to strengthen its reaction to discomfort.Learn to feel more at ease in other uncomfortable conditions, such as fatigue, hunger, or uncomfortable temperatures. Building your discomfort muscle in other contexts strengthens your tolerance of discomfort and your resilience under pressure conditions.Conquer Fear and Build ResilienceIts clear that t here is much we can do to improve our management of stress and stress conditions. If we operate under a dated notion that discomfort is something to avoid, then pressure will continue to feel daunting. But if we learn to welcome and retrain our brains reaction to pressure, discomfort, and imperfect conditions, then we can significantly alter our fear response to pressure.I encourage you to experiment with the above strategies. In my years of working with patients, I have found that they can make a profound difference in shrinking the oversensitivity of the survival instinct and the brains response to fear.Copyright 2014 Marc Schoen, Ph.D. Author BioMarc Schoen, Ph.D., is author of Your Survival Instinct is Killing You Retrain your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience (Hudson Street Press, 2013.) He has specialized in Mind-Body Medicine for more than twenty five years. In addition to maintaining a busy private practice working with individuals, Schoen is an Assistant Clinical P rofessor at UCLAs Geffen School of Medicine where he teaches and conducts research on Mind-Body Medicine and Hypnosis. His work has been featured extensively on television, radio, and in magazines and newspapers, in such publications as the Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Oprah, WebMD, Fortune Magazine, Health, Natural Health, Prevention, Yoga Journal, and many others. Follow him on Twittermarcschoenphd.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Doctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in America

Doctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in AmericaDoctors have the hardest, and highest-paid, jobs in AmericaIf you want to make money, start reading those medical textbooks, because physicians have the highest-paid job in the U.S. for a third year in a row. Their median salary? $187,876, according to Glassdoors listof the best-paid jobs in America.In fact, the medical industry has a lock on rich salaries Out of the five top high-paying jobs, health-care-related careers- physician, pharmacy manager ($149,064), medical science liaison ($132,842), and pharmacist ($125,847)- take up four of the slots. That supports data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that shows healthcare jobs to be among the fastest-growing in the U.S.That includes home health aides, nurse practitioners and even phlebotomists - the people who draw your blood at the doctors office.Isnt tech supposed to be the biggest driver of growth in the U.S.? Apparently not.Although tech jobs like software engineerin g manager ($109,350) andscrum master ($95,167) accounted for 11 of the top 25 jobs, none were in the top five.The high pay for both industries, however, makes sense. Healthcare and tech jobs demand many years to learn difficult, specific skills and the ability to make sense of complex systems from computer networks to the human body.In the U.S., becoming a physician can take about four years of college, four years of medical school, and 3-8 years of residency, and additional fellowships.High pay continues to be tied to demand skills, higher education and working in jobs that are protected from competition or automation,Glassdoor chief economist Andrew Chamberlain said.Money matters, but its not the only factorSalary matters a lot for job seekers. Glassdoor said that almostseven in ten people believethat salary and compensation are two of the most important factors when deciding whether or not to take a job. But as we all know, money doesnt always lead to happiness. In Glassdoors2017 list of best jobs in America, best takes job openings and overall job-satisfaction into account, not just salary, and with theseadded factors, tech jobs and their candyland of perks dominated thelist. The top three jobs were data scientist, DevOps engineer and data engineer.Why doctors make money but arent always happyIn his memoir Doctored The Disillusionment of an American Physician,Dr. Sandeep Jauhar examined the collective malaise of what its like to practice medicine in the U.S. In his book, hecited a 2008 survey of 12,000 physicians where only 6% said they had a positive morale. Other surveys showed similar conclusions whereup to 40% of practicing physicians wouldnt become doctors if they could it all over again, and an even higher percentage wouldnt encourage their children to pursue it either.Whats causing this bad diagnosis is increasing bureaucracy where insurance companies dont give doctors time to fully examine patients, among other factors. Doctors also work in high-pr essure environments in which they can forfeit sleep for days at a time and are responsible for life-and-death decisions. A 2015study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)reported that almost 30% ofphysicians-in-training have symptoms or a diagnosis of depression.So for all prospective physicianslooking to care for patientsand make that impressive money manage your expectations and go in with eyes wide open.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Best Email Cover Letter Format

Best Email Cover Letter FormatBest Email Cover Letter FormatIts most common to send cover letters by schmelzglas or as an attachment with your resume instead of snail mail. Much of the format of the cover letter remains precisely the same, regardless of how the letter is being delivered. In all cases, you need to include a salutation and a polite close, observe all the standard formalities, and proofread carefully. With an email, youll also need to include a clear subject line as well. How to Format an Email Cover Letter The following email cover letter format shows how to put together a document containing the information necessary to get the hiring managers attention. Use the email cover letter format as a guideline to create personalized email cover letters to send to employers. Here are some formatting tips. Subject Line Be sure to list the job you are applying for in the subject line of your email message, so the employer is clear as to what job you are interested in. Fo r example, your subject line might be Marketing Coordinator - Bob Martins. This also helps to keep all your information handy for the hiring manager, and easily identified. Salutation Dear Mr./Ms. Lastname or Dear Hiring Manager (only if you dont have a contact person). Follow the persons name with a comma or colon. Then, skip a line. Body The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what stelle you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up. The body consists of the first paragraph, middle paragraph, and conclusion. Here are some ideas for what is included in each of these sections. First Paragraph The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and how you found the job posting. If you were referred by a contact, mention the person in this part of your cover letter. Middle Paragraphs The next section of your cover letter shoul d describe what you have to offer the employer. Dont just copy the information on your resume, instead, make a connection between your abilities and the qualifications listed in the job posting. Mention specifically how your skills and experience match the job you are applying for. Provide action examples where you can. Instead of saying, Im very organized explain, During my first six months at ABC Company, I instituted quick Monday morning check-in meetings and transformed the project management calendar. These two changes helped everyone to stay on top of deadlines - and cut our costs on last-minute temp help due to scheduling errors. Conclusion If you have attached your resume, mention it in this paragraph. You can also mention how you plan to follow up. Then conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Complimentary Close Include a polite sign-off and then skip a space and write your name. Best Regards, Your personenname Si gnature Include your name, full address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn Profile URL, if you have one, so it is easy for hiring managers, recruiters, and contacts to get in touch Firstname LastnameStreet AddressCity, State, ZipEmailCellLinkedIn URL Email Cover Letter Example Subject Marketing Manager Position - Mary CodyDear Ms. Lee,I am writing in regards to the position of marketing manager at XYZ Enterprises advertised on Susan Smith recommended that I write directly to you, as we worked together at ABC Inc. for several years, and she thought that this position would be a good fit for me.With ABC, I welches a direct report to Susan, and I was able to increase my departments sales by 15% over the three years we worked together. This exceeded the industry standard by 10% during a nearly stagnant period of time. Given XYZs position in the market, and my experience with increasing market share, I feel that I can help to bring even more success to your company.I have attached my resume and list of references for your consideration. I will follow up next week to provide any additional information you may be interested in. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my resume.Best Regards,Mary Cody123 Green StreetAnytown, USA Expand Completing Your Application When youre sending an email cover letter, its important to follow the employers instructions on how to submit your application and to make sure that your documents are written as well as any other business correspondence. Sending a professional looking application package is the first step to getting an interview.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The New Fuss About Modern Resume Template

The New Fuss About Modern Resume Template After you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether youll be suitable. When applying for employment in a big business you may find they use specialized software to help weed out candidates. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. Also make certain you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Research about the technical skills needed for the work position that youre applying for. You can also see resume objectives. A resume thats sometimes called a curriculum vitae is important whenever you are searching for employment. The anfangsbuchstabe one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a special job position. If you are looking for a very simple but stunning design thats guaranteed to appeal to any hiring manager than you are in right spot. Modern resume schablones are certain to come handy in enabling you to bag a dream job. Your resume can allow you to get your foot in the door, even if do not have any former massage therapy job experience. The style of resume you will use greatly is dependent on your professional work background and qualifications. Get exploring and perhaps you are spotting something you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. After you add your private stamp to it through imputing your distinctive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the appropriate factors. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. In order to acquire into the corporate world your resume must be quite presentable to your upcoming boss. Your application should stick out as a way to find attention. Creating a resume wi th the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you must fill. The template is created by experts so that you can be certain about the grade of the content. Employing a resume template is quite useful in making your professional profile. Modern Resume Template Help You might be interested in the following related articles too. The site also provides essential strategies and guides to make Resume more attractive and potent. By making use of a template, you receive a feeling of what information to include in your resume and the way to arrange it. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Getting the Best Modern Resume Template You can select the best amongst the many template samples out there. Theres no precise length for a resume, and theres no voreingestellt to it. The template can help you design an impressive resume for your intended job. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. As its name suggests, Free Resume Creator is still another totally free online resume or CV builder website. You will discover a wide assortment of resume templates on the web or in your computer program. Unlike the majority of the online resume builder sites that need the user to register, it doesnt need registration. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to have a resume in portable document format format only as long as you pay them. The training programs and conferences you have attended are also crucial to be put in a fresher resume. Submit the same resume for each and every job. So whenever your dream job calls you, you can be certain to make it using a good resume in hand. Finding your next job can feel to be an overwhelming procedure, and breaking it down into achievable objectives and steps will help you stay organized.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

An Inside Look at Our Event with Stash

An Inside Look at Our Event with Stash PowerToFly was thrilled to partner with Stash for our second event last week. Held at Stashs headquarters in the Flatiron District, the event focused on women in data science. Moderated by PowerToFly CoFounder Milena Berry, the panel from Stash includedClaire Goldwitz, Stashs VP of ProductMaryAlexa Divver, Senior Product Manager Christine Hurtubise, VP of Data Science Stash is hiring and they are dedicated to increasing the number of women on their team by over 40% through 2018. FOLLOW Stash for updates on more events and open roles. Stashs wonderful office From Your Site Articles Meet Christine Hurtubise, VP of Data Science at Stash Aki Merced